international association for shell and spatial structures

Working Groups

The Association sponsors the technical activities of the following Working Groups and publishes their state-of-the-art reports and their recommendations on design and construction.  In addition, each active Working Group typically organizes one or more technical sessions at the IASS annual symposium, and these sessions incorporate an information component to update attendees on the activities of the group and to attract new members.  

In the table below there are links (in light blue text of the WG Title) to brief public summaries of the mission and objectives of the active Working Groups.  More details from the annual reports about the recent and planned activities, membership and publications of the Working Groups are viewable in the members-only subpage of the WG page, accessible by the link at the bottom of the public WG page. But members who are logged in can navigate directly to the members-only WG page by selecting the WG Number in the table below.

The Working Group efforts are overseen by the Technical Activities Committee (TAC), which in turn reports annually to the IASS Executive Council and the Association Membership.  The current chair of the TAC is Professor Sigrid Adriaenssens (USA). The annual reports of the TAC are available by clicking here.

Any member of the IASS may join one or more Working Groups that coincide with their expertise or interest, provided they are willing to participate actively in the efforts of the group.  In addition, Working Groups are interested in attracting nonmembers of the Association as consulting outside experts, with the hope of their eventually joining the IASS.  For inquiries about membership, contact the chair of the Working Group or the IASS Secretariat.  [If you are a member of IASS, you can obtain contact information by logging in and consulting the members-only Directory.]

Currently Active Working Groups

WG No.
WG 3
Technical Expert Group on Shell Structures for Energy Supply  A. Goldack (Germany), L. Zhao (China)
WG 4
Technical Expert Group on Masts and Towers M. Nielsen (Denmark)
WG 5
Continuous Shells S. Adriaenssens (USA), S. Gabriele (Italy)
WG 6
Tension and Membrane Structures K. Kawaguchi (Japan), M. Mollaert (Belgium)
WG 8
Metal Spatial Structures T. Takeuchi (Japan), S.D. Xue (China), S. Kato (Japan)
WG 12
Timber and Bio-based Spatial Structures
A. Falk (Sweden), M. He (China)
WG 13
Computational Methods
K.-U. Bletzinger (Germany), C. Lazaro (Spain), M. Ohsaki (Japan)
WG 15
Structural Morphology
N. De Temmerman (Belgium), T. Tachi (Japan)
WG 17
Historical Spatial Structures
M. Mendoza (UK), R. Tarczewski (Poland)
WG 18
Life-Cycle Design and Assessment of Shell and Spatial StructuresO. Baverel (France)
WG 20
Teaching of Shell and Spatial Structures
O. Popovic Larsen (Denmark), S. Alireza Behnejad (UK)
WG 21
Advanced Manufacturing and Materials
J. Orr (UK)
WG 22
Architectural Geometry
C. Douthe (France), T. Mitchell (USA), E. Schling (Hong Kong)

Working Groups That Have Completed Their Efforts and Been Dissolved

WG No.
WG 1
Tanks and SilosM. Rotter (UK)
WG 2
Construction Methods & Quality ControlsG.C. Giuliani (Italy), M. Kawaguchi (Japan)
WG 7
Pneumatic StructuresY. Tsuboi (Japan)
WG 9
Industrialized Spatial StructuresS. Polonyi (Germany)
WG 10
Shear Wall StructuresG. Mehlhorn (Germany)
WG 11
FerrocementH. Ruehle (Germany)
WG 14
Building Physics of Spatial StructuresM. Papadopoulos (Greece)
WG 16
Retractable RoofsK. Ishii (Japan)
WG 19
Temporary Spatial Structures
T. Murota (Japan)

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