international association for shell and spatial structures

Journal of the IASS

The Association publishes an international journal, the Journal of the International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures in print (ISSN 1028-365X) and on line (ISSN 1996-9015). The current frequency is four times yearly, and the months of publication are March, June, September and December. Typically, one issue per year is a special issue on a particular theme with guest editors and invited papers.

Journal Indexing

The Journal is currently indexed in Scopus, Google Scholar and Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI) of the Web of Science Group. It is under evaluation for other indexing sources, and this list will be updated as these are formalized.

Editorial Committee

The Editor-in-Chief and Chair of the Editorial Committee is Prof. Charis Gantes (Athens, Greece), while the Associate Editor is Dr. Asuncion Morales (Madrid, Spain).  For a full listing of the current membership of the committee, select Editorial Committee.

All Members Automatically Receive Access to the Journal

All categories of members of the IASS automatically have access to the electronic edition of the journal (and Individual and Senior members and Chapter Representative may purchase the print edition at a cost of 50 € per year), while libraries and organizations may purchase subscriptions (for such purchases, see Subscription Information).

The online journal includes all issues from 1996 forward and is hosted separately by Ingenta Connect. For members, full online access to the electronic edition of the J. IASS is at the Publications Gateway (access requires login). Full access includes the ability to view the full articles and/or to download them as .pdf files.

Public Access to the Journal

For the public, only the tables of contents, abstracts, keywords and other article metadata are visible (although some items such as memorial statements, the annual letter from the President, and event listings are also public), and these are accessible from the Publications Gateway for Non-Members or by selecting this button: (Click to access Journal papers metadata)

Further Information

For more information about subscribing and/or contributing to the journal as well as reviewing individual contributions, please see the following subsidiary pages, linked here or from either the top pull-down menu or the bottom menu under JOURNAL INFO.

Journal Aims and Scope

Subscription Information

Information for Contributors

Information for Reviewers

Permission to Reproduce Material Published in the Journal

For papers published before 2014 the permission must be given by the authors.

For papers published in 2014 and after, the copyright is determined in an explicit statement included on the first page of the paper, where the author’s copyright choice is declared. If the option of transferring the copyright to IASS has been selected, IASS permission to reproduce material should be requested from the IASS Secretariat. If copyright has been retained by the authors, the permission must be given by the authors.

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