international association for shell and spatial structures

Aims and Scope of the Journal of the IASS

The Journal of the IASS welcomes contributed Technical Papers pertaining to the design, analysis, construction, and other aspects of the technology of all types of shell and spatial structures.  In addition, Project Descriptions about realizations of innovative or noteworthy spatial structures are particularly solicited.  Contributors need not be members of the Association, and there are no publication costs or page charges (except for those choosing the Gold Route open-access option).

All Technical Papers and Project Descriptions are open to written discussion, which will be published, possibly together with a response from the author(s).

All material submitted for publication shall be evaluated as to editorial and technical content by a rigorous peer review process that enlists members and non-members of the Editorial Committee.  The Editor-in-Chief, in consultation with the Editorial Committee, reserves the right to accept or reject any manuscript or discussion.

The Journal is currently indexed in Scopus, Google Scholar and Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI) of the Web of Science Group.

In addition to Technical Papers, Project Descriptions and Discussions, the Journal includes announcements of annual IASS Symposia, a listing of upcoming events of both the IASS and related organizations (with the URLs of the event websites), occasional memorial statements for deceased distinguished IASS members, and an annual report by the President of the Association (in the December issue).
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