international association for shell and spatial structures

  • IASS in the Engineering Community

The IASS in the Civil Engineering Community

The International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures (IASS) actively participates in initiatives undertaken jointly with other civil engineering associations.

Liaison Committee

The Liaison Committee of International Associations of Civil Engineering is a body maintaining contact and co-operation between international associations of civil engineering.  Formed in 1958, it brings together the Presidents and Secretaries of the following six member organizations:

  • IABSE, International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering.
  • CIB, International Council for Research and Innovation in Building and Construction.
  • ECCS, The European Convention for Constructional Steelwork.
  • FIB, The International Federation for Structural Concrete.
  • RILEM, Reunion Internationale des Laboratoires et Experts des Materiaux.
  • IASS, The International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures.
    More info about the associations forming the Liaison Committee is available here.

    Joint Committee on Structural Safety (JCSS)

    The JCSS is a committee in the field of Structural related Risk and Reliability, acting on behalf of the Liaison Committee and its membership associations.

    Mission of the JCSS is to provide general knowledge and decision support for the life-cycle based management of safety, reliability, risk, robustness, durability, resilience and sustainability for the built environment, on the basis of sound scientific principles and with an open eye for the applications in practice. The committee also acts on providing appropriate support and technical coordination for the work of the member associations.

    More information at:

    Joint Committee on the GLOBE Consensus on Sustainability in the Built Environment

    The Joint Committee on the GLOBE Consensus (JCGC) has been launched by the Liaison Committee. GLOBE stands for Global Consensus on Sustainability in the Built Environment and it highlights the global challenges associated with the built environment as a main contributor to climate change.

    The JCGC is a committee dedicated to the decarbonization of global construction i.e. reducing Green House Gas (GHG) emissions from construction. Its purpose is to lead the global green transition of civil and structural engineering and building materials sciences, the backbone of the built environment and most of the societal infrastructure systems.

    More info about the GLOBE Consensus is available here.

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