international association for shell and spatial structures

IASS Editorial Committee

The IASS Editorial Committee has responsibility for all publications of the Association, but its principal efforts are devoted to the Journal of the IASS. The members of the committee provide the core team of reviewers for submissions to the Journal; however, many other IASS members are also called upon to contribute peer reviews of articles under consideration.

Committee Membership

Chair and Editor-in-Chief
Charis Gantes
National Technical University of Athens, Greece

Associate Editor
Asunción Morales Hortelano
CEDEX, Madrid, Spain

J.F. Abel
(Ithaca, NY, USA)

S. Adriaenssens
(Princeton, USA)

G. Arun
(Istanbul, Turkey)

R. Astudillo
(Madrid, Spain)

P. Ballesteros
(Mexico City, Mexico)

K.-U. Bletzinger
(Munich, Germany)

P. Block
(Zurich, Switzerland))

A. Borgart
(Delft, The Netherlands)

J. Chilton
(Nottingham, UK)

G.C. Giuliani
(Milan, Italy)

K. Göppert
(Stuttgart, Germany)

C. H. Hernandez
(Caracas, Venezuela)

F. V. Jensen
(Aarhus, Denmark)

S. Kato
(Toyohashi, Japan)

K. Kawaguchi
(Tokyo, Japan)

T. T. Lan
(Beijing, China)

C. Lazaro
(Valencia, Spain)

R. Motro
(Montpellier, France)

J. Obrebski
(Warsaw, Poland)

J. Ochsendorf
(Cambridge, MA, USA))

H. Ohmori
(Nagoya, Japan)

M. Ohsaki
(Kyoto, Japan)

M. Papadrakakis
(Athens, Greece)

R. Pauletti
(São Paulo, Brazil)

S. Pellegrino
(Pasadena, CA, USA)

M. Ramage
(Cambridge, UK)

A. Samartin
(Madrid, Spain)

M. Schlaich
(Berlin, Germany)

B. W. Smith
(London, UK) )

U. Stottrup-Anderson
(Virum, Denmark)

R. Sundaram
(Bangalore, India)

T. Tachi
(Tokyo, Japan)

T. Takeuchi
(Tokyo, Japan)

R. Tarczewski
(Wroclaw, Poland)

T. Tarnai
(Budapest, Hungary)

G. Tibert
(Stockholm, Sweden)

P. Végh
(Toronto, ON, Canada))

B. B. Wang

P. Winslow
(London, UK)

S. D. Xue
(Beijing, China)

Y. B. Yang
(Taipei, Taiwan)

Reviewing (and re-reviewing) of manuscripts is conducted on-line. See the Information for Reviewers page for instructions and more information.

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