international association for shell and spatial structures

Working Group 12: Timber and Bio-Based Spatial Structures


To disseminate state-of-the-art information on the structural design and architecture of timber spatial structures and promote their use as an environmentally benign form of construction.


The Working Group has been developing the approach to bio-based materials in spatial structures, which is reflected in the changes of names of the working group, from Spatial Wood Structures, through Timber Spatial Structures to the current name Timber- and Bio-based Spatial Structures. The interests and activities of its members form the working group profile and the field covered today spans from timber gridshells, plate based timber structures, bamboo and paper structures to bio-inspired concepts in form-finding and material science. The Working group attracts both engineers and architects studying the use, development and innovation of timber- and bio-based materials and concepts in conception, design and production of spatial structures.

Current Objectives

  1. To develop a web-based archive of timber spatial structures and timber technology on the WG12 area of the IASS website
  2. To publish a state-of-the-art report on the structural design and architecture of timber spatial structures.
  3. To expand the membership of the group interested in timber grids (single layer, double layer, reciprocal frame, lamella); shells; grid shells; domes and vaults; bridges; innovative timber-based materials; engineered timber; joints; bamboo structures; historic and high-rise timber structures.

Recent Activities

  • Organised a double special session on "Computer-aided Design of Timber Structures" for the IASS Symposium 2013 in Wroclaw with 10 papers (organiser Dr. Andreas Falk).
  • Organised a special session on "The potential of reduced environmental footprint through timber spatial structures" for the IASS Symposium 2014 in Brasilia with 5 papers (organiser Dr. Andreas Falk).
  • Dr Andreas Falk, Royal Inst. of Technology KTH, together with Professor Norihide Imagawa, Tokyo Denki University, organised a joint colloquium of WG12 and WG18 on "Bio-based and Bio-Inspired Environmentally Compatible Structures" at Tokyo Denki University, Tokyo, April 10-13. 2015.
  • Organised a special session on "Timber and bio-based design of visionary structures and systems" for the IASS Symposium 2015 in Amsterdam (organiser Dr. Andreas Falk).
  • Organised a special session on the theme "From design to production of timber- and bio-based spatial structures" for the IASS Symposium 2016 in Tokyo (organiser Dr. Andreas Falk).
  • Organised a double special session on "Cross-Disciplinary Design and Production of Bio-Based Structures" for the IASS Symposium 2017 in Hamburg (organiser Dr. Andreas Falk).
  • Organised a double special session on "Creativity and Innovation in Timber and Bio-Based Structures and Architecture" for the IASS Symposium 2018 in Boston (organiser Dr. Andreas Falk)
  • Organised three special sessions on "Form and Force in Bio-Based Structures and Architecture" for the IASS Symposium 2019 in Barcelona (organiser Dr. Andreas Falk).
  • Organised five special sessions on "Bio-based concepts inspiring the Spatial Structures and Architecture of the next generation" for the IASS Symposium 2021 in Surrey/Guildford, UK which was postponed from 2020 due to the Covid-19 pandemic and organised as an online venue (organiser Dr. Andreas Falk).
  • Organised a special session on "Timber- and Bio-Based Concepts for Sustainable Innovation in Construction" for the IASS/APCS Symposium 2022 in Beijing, China (organiser Dr. Andreas Falk).
  • Organised a special session on "Timber and Bio-based Spatial Structures for the IASS Symposium 2023 in Melbourne, Australia (organiser Dr Andreas Falk)
  • Started an Working Group online forum arranged every second month, for discussions and exchange of ideas and updates.
  • Guest editing a special issue of the IASS Journal on Timber and Bio-based Structures, issued in June 2024 (Guest editors Dr Andreas Falk, Professor Minjuan He and Professor John Chilton.
  • Is co-organising a series of technical sessions on "Timber and Bio-based Spatial Structures" for the IASS Symposium 2024 in Zurich, Switzerland (co-organisers Dr Andreas Falk, Professor Minjuan He and Professor John Chilton)

Regular WG meetings

Since August 2021 the WG is meeting online regularly for discussions and exchange. If you are interested in participating, please contact the chair or the co-chair.


All current members of the Working Group are members of the IASS. The Working Group welcomes additional members who have an interest in the mission and objectives of the group; those IASS members interested should please contact one of the Chairs of the Working Group (Find e-mail addresses in the IASS Directory by logging in).

  • Dr. Andreas FALK (Chair) - Sweden
  • Prof. Dr. Minjuan HE (Co-Chair) - China

Further Information for IASS Members

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