Encourage and organize presentations, reports and publications on projects, designs and research related to Metal Spatial Structures.
Working Group 8 was first organized as a WG of Spatial Steel Structures with Professor Yoshikatsu Tsuboi as the Chair in 1970s, then expanded by Professor Mamoru Kawaguchi to a WG of Metal Spatial Structures. They have published Analysis, Design and Realization of Space Frames in 1979 as a draft, then published in the IASS Journal (IASS, Madrid, 1985, 114 pp.). After chaired by Professor Shiro Kato, its activities have been casted intensively on buckling and dynamic responses of metal spatial structures. In 2017, WG 8 has completed a publication "Guide to Buckling Load Evaluation of Metal Reticulated Roof Structures" and "Guide to Earthquake Response Evaluation of Metal Roof Spatial Structures" which are now available on IASS web-site at for IASS Members. From 2018, a new chair Toru Takeuchi together with Su-Duo Xue (Vice-chair) and Shiro Kato (Vice-chair) are actively developing an international collaboration with a keen focus on buckling, earthquake responses and design methods of metal spatial structures including grid-shells.
Current Objectives
The objective of WG No. 8 is to develop and publish structural guidelines for design and construction of metal spatial structures and grid-shells. At present WG No. 8 is focusing on principal design concerns: "Buckling", "Earthquake Response", "Connection design", and "Realized Projects" on metal roofs and grid-shells.
- Aspect A: Organize sessions at IASS Symposia to promote discussions and exchange information among IASS members
- Aspect B: Publish State-of-Art Reports on Metal Spatial Structures and Grid-Shells.
The current members listed below are all members of the IASS. The WG is eager to add members from all parts of the world. Discussions continue for publication of state-of-the art papers and for preparation of the drafts of the structural guides. IASS members who are interested in these activities are welcome to join; please contact one of the Co-Chairs.