international association for shell and spatial structures

IASS Hangai Prize

The Hangai Prize MedalIn memory of Professor Yasuhiko Hangai (Japan, 1942-1998), a very active member of the IASS and its Executive Council, and in accordance with his career-long encouragement for young people, the Hangai Prize recognizes talented young researchers, designers, engineers and architects working in the field of shell and spatial structures.  This recognition is achieved by selecting outstanding submissions to the Annual IASS Symposium in the form of research papers, résumés of design projects, or innovative ideas.

Click here for the list of past recipients of the Hangai Prize

Criteria and Procedures for the Hangai Prize

To address inquiries about the Hangai Prize not answered by the following sections of this page, e-mail the prize committee.

23rd Hangai Prize, 2025: The current round of the Hangai Prize competition is for the IASS 2025 Symposium in Mexico City will be detailed below, including the specific deadlines, as soon as they are available.

To be considered, papers must not only be submitted to the annual symposium but also be explicitly entered into the Hangai Prize Contest.  Papers that have previously been submitted for publication in the Journal of the IASS are not eligible for entry in the Hangai Prize competition.

To be eligible for the prize, the applicant need not be a member of the IASS but must:

  1. be under the age of thirty at the end of the calendar year of the Annual Symposium,
  2. be the primary contributor of the research, the project, or the idea presented and as such be the first or sole author of the abstract and the paper,
  3. follow the procedures established by the Annual Symposium for the submission of a contribution, including the submission of an abstract by the specified date,
  4. upload a full-paper manuscript and the completed Hangai Prize entry form to the symposium upload website by the established deadline, and
  5. if selected as a winner, attend the Symposium to present the paper in a plenary session and to receive the prize.

Presentation and Benefits
The Prizes are presented during the Annual Symposium.  Each prize consists of:
    (1) a certificate and medal,
    (2) reduced fees for the symposium,
    (3) a free one-year IASS Awardee membership for the full calendar year following the symposium, and
    (4) publication of the contributions in both the Symposium Proceedings and the Journal of the IASS.
As an incentive for entering the competition, all applicants - whether winners or not - who attend and present their papers at the Annual Symposium receive a free one-year IASS Awardee membership for the full calendar year following the symposium.

How to Apply for the 23rd Hangai Prize, 2025

To apply formally for the Hangai Prize, conform to all of the following steps.  (Please be reminded that both the abstract and the full paper must have the applicant as the first or sole author and that each document must conform to the required lengths and format using the templates available on the symposium website.)

  1. Submission of the abstract to the symposium website: Upload a one-page abstract to the symposium upload site no later than the posted deadline 28 February 2025. Be sure to indicate that the submission is for the Hangai Prize when submitting abstracts. Acceptance of the abstract by the symposium scientific committee by 1 April 2025 is a precondition for the next step. Please note that the authors of accepted abstracts are expected to register for the Symposium by the deadline TBA.
  2. Uploading of the full paper to the Hangai site portion of the IASS 2025 website: After the abstract has been accepted, upload the full paper and the completed Hangai Prize entry form to the Hangai Prize as per instructions on the symposium website no later than the symposium deadline of 26 May 2025. Please note that this deadline for submission of the HP full papers will not be postponed even the symposium's deadline is extended.
  3. The submission in step 2 above also serves as submission to the symposium scientific committee because the submission process is integrated into the single symposium site.
  4. The deadline for full paper acceptance is TBA, although the results of the prize competition will be announced later than this paper-acceptance notification, anticipated date is [to be determined]. Winners will be expected to present their contributions in an in-person conferral ceremony at the IASS 2025 Symposium in October 2025, and the winning papers will be published in the December 2025 issue of the Journal of the IASS.

To address inquiries about the Hangai Prize not answered by this page, email the prize committee at

List of past recipients of the Hangai Prize

Hangai Prize Selection Committee
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