international association for shell and spatial structures

Symposia Colloquia & Conferences

To extend and enhance the dissemination of technical and design information about shell and spatial structures, the IASS engages in organizing or endorsing gatherings all over the world.  All of the upcoming meetings are listed in the Events page of this website. There are three principal types of conferences as related in the following.

Annual Symposia - Proceedings

The Association organizes annual International Symposia on themes related to lightweight long-span structures of interest to engineers, architects and builders. Traditionally, the annual symposium is held in Spain every ten years to mark a decadal anniversary of the 1959 founding of the Association in Spain. A list of the IASS Annual Symposia held since 1989 is available here.

Since 2013, the IASS publishes the proceedings of these symposia online, hosted by Ingenta Connect. As of April 2024, all users, including the non-member public, have full access to the Proceedings, including the ability to view and print PDFs of the full articles. The proceedings are accessible by selecting this button:

(Click to access Proceedings papers metadata)

Colloquia Organized by Working Groups

The IASS fosters the organization of one or more Colloquia (specialty conferences) each year by individual or pairs of Working Groups. Notably, Working Group 4 on Mast and Towers conducts a colloquium related to its focus every two years, typically held in September; for example, its 28th biennial meeting was held in Beijing, China on 10-14 September 2017.

Information about Colloquia are not only listed in the Events page of this website but are also recorded in the Annual Reports of the Technical Activities Committee (TAC), accessed here.

Other Conferences

The Association co-sponsors or endorses other symposia or conferences, typically with partner associations. Typical examples are the Asia-Pacific Conferences on Spatial Structures (APCS), the Structural Engineering World Congresses (SEWC), and the Latin American Symposia of Tensile Structures (SLTE).

In some years, the IASS Annual Symposium is conducted jointly with a partner conference. For example, the IASS 60th Anniversary Symposium 2019 was jointly organized with the 8th International Conference on Textile Composites and Inflatable Structures (Structural Membranes 2019) and was held in Barcelona, Spain.

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