(1946- ) President 2012-2015 Torroja Medalist 2016
Professor Motro, an IASS member since 1979, was Vice President in 2003-2012 and President in 2012-2015. He was Chairman of the Technical Activities Committee (2009-2011) and is currently a member of the Executive Council. He was a co-founder of IASS Working Group 15 on Structural Morphology and served as Chairman of the first, fifth and sixth International Seminars on Structural Morphology (Montpellier 1992 and 2004, Acapulco 2008). Motro was the Chairman of the Organizing Committee for IASS Symposium 2004 in Montpellier, France.
He has the designations Civil Engineer, DI, DE, HDR. He is Professor Emeritus and Past Director of the Laboratory for Mechanics and Civil Engineering (University Montpellier 2). He is a member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of the IASS, and five other international journals. He was Editor-in-chief of the International Journal of Space Structures (2004-2011).
There are more than 300 items in his publication list, including a personal book entitled Tensegrity. Author of chapter 6 of the IASS Jubilee Book, he wrote also two other sections “structural morphology” and “tensegrity structures.” He is the editor of “An Anthology of Structural Morphology”, of the book titled Structural Morphology and Configuration Processing of Space Structures and of “Flexible composite materials, in architecture, construction and interiors”. He received IASS Tsuboi Awards in 1998, 2007 and 2009, as well as a “Pioneers Award” in 2002.