international association for shell and spatial structures

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  • 6 Oct 2018 23:05 | Romuald TARCZEWSKI (Administrator)

    This issue contains five technical papers, one project description, a memorial to David Billington, and information about upcoming events, including the IASS Symposium 2019.  Access to a PDF of the full issue is through the Publications Gateway of this website. Soon, the issue will also be available on the Ingenta website in the usual form.

  • 3 Oct 2018 11:01 | Romuald TARCZEWSKI (Administrator)

    A new feature has been added to Member Tools.

    Members can access, print, and share their cards certifying membership in the Association 24/7 from their member profile.

    For that, go to Member Tools and then select My Profile -> View profile

    Membership cards are updated automatically when members renew and when member details change.

    Please enjoy !

  • 18 Sep 2018 13:33 | Romuald TARCZEWSKI (Administrator)

    Working Group 21 is organising a competition for innovative pavilions at the 2019 IASS Symposium to be held in Barcelona. Full details, and application form for groups can be found here:

    Please direct any questions about the competition to Arno Pronk, by email to

  • 15 Jul 2018 18:00 | John ABEL (Administrator)

    Re-Elected to Three-year Terms on the Executive Council: P. Block (Switzerland), A. Domingo (Spain), Ch. Gantes (Greece) and S.-D. Xue (China).

    Newly Elected to Three-year Terms on the Executive Council: A. Boegle (Germany) and O. Popovic Larsen (Denmark).

    Co-option to Three-Year Terms on the Executive Council: O. Baverel (France), A. Behnejad (UK) and A. Falk (Sweden).

    Elected to the Advisory Board: J. Abel (USA), M. Mollaert (Belgium), P. Vegh (Canada) and Q. Zhang (China).

    Officers of the Executive Council Re-elected Unanimously to Three-year Terms:
          President:  S. Pellegrino (USA)
          Vice President: J. G. Oliva Salinas (Mexico)

  • 7 Jul 2018 08:51 | Romuald TARCZEWSKI (Administrator)

    This issue contains five important technical papers and information about upcoming events, including the IASS Symposium 2019.  Access is through the Publications Gateway of this website.

  • 12 Apr 2018 12:00 | John ABEL (Administrator)

    This is a special issue devoted to Frei Otto, edited by J.G. Oliva-Salina and E. Ramm.  The issue includes a Memorial to John V. 'Jack' Christiansen, an IASS Torroja Medalist.  Access is through the Publications Gateway of this website.

  • 30 Mar 2018 12:00 | John ABEL (Administrator)

    The guide has been uploaded to the members-only WG 8 page in the IASS website. It is a highly valuable work carried out by members of the group and led by the sustained effort of Professor Shiro Kato, former chair of the WG and now co-chair. The document is now available for all IASS members in the “Publications” section of the WG 8 web page.

  • 7 Dec 2017 01:32 | Romuald TARCZEWSKI (Administrator)
    The TAC Report for the period 2016-17 is available on the public portion of this website by clicking here to access the page containing all recent reports.
  • 21 Oct 2017 01:31 | Romuald TARCZEWSKI (Administrator)
    The IASS Executive Council has approved the formation of a new working group, WG 21 Advanced Manufacturing and Materials.  The founding chair and co-chair are Arno Pronk (The Netherlands) and John Orr (UK), respectively.
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