international association for shell and spatial structures

  • Honorary Member Narendra K. ("N.K.") Srivastava has passed away

Honorary Member Narendra K. ("N.K.") Srivastava has passed away

23 Apr 2023 22:25 | John ABEL (Administrator)

The IASS regrets to report the death of IASS Honorary Member N.K. Srivastava on April 21. He was an IASS member since the early 1970s, was a long-time member of the Executive Council 1990-2012, was Vice President 2003-2012, and was conferred Honorary Membership in 2014. His significant service to the Association included membership of the Editorial Committee since 1983, Scientific Chair and Organizer of the 1992 IASS Symposium in Toronto, Chair of TAC 1993-2003, and Chair of Honors & Awards 2006-2012. He was also IASS representative to SEWC and Vice President of the SEWC Board for many years.

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