international association for shell and spatial structures

  • Hangai Prize Winners for 2021

Hangai Prize Winners for 2021

31 Oct 2021 19:59 | John ABEL (Administrator)

The Hangai Prize Committee announced the winners of the 19th Hangai Prize, and their papers were presented at the 2021 Annual Symposium:

  • Ting-Uei Lee (Australia): "From ruled surfaces to elastica-ruled surfaces: New possibilities for creating architectural forms"

  • Kotaro Sempuku (Japan): "Self-folding rigid origami based on auxetic kirigami"
  • Xiuming Liu (China): "Study on thermal damage of large-span ice shell structure based on thermal-mechanical coupling"
  • Qian Zhang (China): "Programmable and reconfigurable surfaces with kirigami-inspired bistable elements"

The papers will be included in the December 2021 issue of the Journal of the IASS.

Congratulations to all the winners!

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