international association for shell and spatial structures

Actors and Projects

The assembly of an archive of actors and projects is a long-term ongoing undertaking of the IASS. A significant start was attained in assembling the Jubilee Book (the work of many IASS authors) as well as some special issues of the Journal of the IASS on Actors such as Candela, Isler, Nervi and Otto.  For each Actor the archive is intended to contain biographical information, photos of the individual, a list of projects, photos of these projects, a list of key publications authored by the Actor, links to other sources, and a list of additional references.

This archive is intended to complement rather than duplicate Structurae, the other main source of information on hundreds of structural engineers and their projects, both contemporary and historic. In particular, the focus here is on those who have contributed to the field of lightweight structures, either in association with the IASS or more broadly with respect to shell and spatial structures.

A natural starting point in both the Jubilee Book and this section of the website is to compile basic information on those Distinguished members whom the IASS has recognized by its individual honors such as the Torroja Medal and IASS Honorary Membership. Around these and other actors, some portions of this section of the website have been assembled.  It is intended that this work will continue gradually to flesh out the skeletal beginning and to expand the scope of this archive. The first steps include obtaining and integrating the missing photographs and biosketches.

Please note that this site and this page are still under construction.

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